In this adventure from Wan Shi Tong’s Adventure Guide, set in the Kyoshi Era: The Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se is in chaos after a daofei outlaw kidnaps the two children of Fire Nation Ambassador Quin. The Ambassador has called in her own highly-skilled Fire Nation guards to find her children because she is mistrustful of the Earth Kingdom anti-corruption task force called in to do the job. And the Ambassador is right to be suspicious. The task force is using this event as an excuse to finally round up all the criminals they want, regardless of whether they had anything to do with the kidnapping, and a new daofei mercenary group is using this distraction to wreak havoc in the Lower Ring. Famed firebender Rangi knows that without intervention, Ba Sing Se is in trouble. She tasks heroes with ensuring the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se stays stable until she can return with the Avatar.

This adventure features Johnny as GM, Justin, and Danny with Caleb and McKenna from ImprovTabletop!

Johnny GM's Justin, Danny, Caleb, and McKenna (from Improv Tabletop) through the Earth and Root Kyoshi Era One Shot from Wan Shi Tong's Adventurers Guide.

Our heroes find out one of their contacts has been blamed for a kidnapping and they have to not only find the kids but clear the name of their friend.

Johnny GM's Justin, Danny, Caleb, and McKenna (from Improv Tabletop) through the Earth and Root Kyoshi Era One Shot from Wan Shi Tong's Adventurers Guide.

Our heroes find out one of their contacts has been blamed for a kidnapping and they have to not only find the kids but clear the name of their friend.


Avatar Legends One Shots: The Vanishing Act


Avatar Legends One Shots: Water & Mist